A COVID-19 Survival Guide for SMEs

How to navigate challenging times as a global recession looms.

An article by Arlene Wherrett, VP & Managing Director, Sage Asia published on SPH Digital News.

Arlene highlights five key areas that SMEs should focus on:

  1. Manage and tighten cash flow
    The key to surviving uncertain times is to watch cash flow like a hawk. Businesses can run regular cash flow forecasts to estimate how much money is coming in and going out, discover where expenses can be reduced, know where resources are available and find ways to avoid negative cash flow.
  2. Focus on customer experiences
    Customers are likely feeling the pressure from the downturn as well. As much as possible, SMEs should not let the current situation affect the customer experience they offer.
  3. Pivot to a similar business model with revenue-generating opportunities
    SMEs may want to use this period to pivot towards a new mode of business which leverages their current products and expertise but in a more recession-resilient business.
  4. Tap on technology and build business resilience
    As workers worldwide shift to working from home amid the lock downs, communication and collaboration tools have come into the forefront enabling millions to stay connected with their co-workers, customers and partners while remaining efficient and productive.
  5. Value most important assets
    Where SMEs should adopt a longer-term view is on their most important assets – their people.

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